Gearhead RPG Wikia
SDH-22 Corsair
File:Mecha Corsair.jpg
Type Battroid
Weight 42.0t
Height 15.0m
Length 5.5m
Price $331542

This is usually the first mecha acquired in GH1. Getting the Tutorial from Quentin Rood, a shopkeeper in Hogye. Successful progress through the tutorial will lead to the player being given a Corsair and some basic instruction in its use.


Factory Specifications Icon
MV TR SE Speed Weight Price Corsair
-2 -2 +1 51dpr walk, 71dpr roll 42.0t $331542
Weapons Rocket Launcher, Laser Cannon
Systems Class 2 Shield x 2, Hands x 2, Weapon Mount x 1

In Combat[]

The Corsair is a starting mecha, which can defeat low PV enemies without bigger problems.

The Rocket Launcher can destroy Strongarms, Vespas, Doom Buggies, Rovers with one shot. It is also useful against the Badger or Swan.

The Laser Cannon is effective against Ultari, BuruBuru, Claymore and others mentioned above.