You are an expert with flying mecha. (+3 Mecha Piloting while flying)
Prerequisite: Mecha Piloting +5
If you specialise in flying and jumping mecha then this talent is worth considering. The mecha piloting skill determines your character's ability to dodge incoming attacks and as most flying mecha are pretty poor at that, the Born to Fly talent can make a significant difference to your ability to survive in battle.
"If you find a mecha with decent movement and add this talent, you are very hard to hit putting into consideration of possible ECM, Decent MV, +5 Mecha Piloting, and airborne's innate +3 mv evasion vs non-anti air weapons. I recommend getting stunt driver since you pretty much need to be going fast to stay airborne. With those two talent, you will have excellent evasion skills". -Dataslycer